Jocelyn Graduates from UBC - Part I

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jocelyn Greer

After four years of hard work, Jocelyn Marie Greer attended her congregation ceremony at the University of British Columbia. Jocelyn received a BSc with Honors from the Faculty of Land and Food Science in the Global Resource Systems program. Her areas of study were sustainable farming and global food supply with a focus on Latin America.

David's parents Jim and Diana (Papa and Gran) flew in from Edmonton for the event. Karalee's Mom Barb (Grandma) also flew in via Edmonton. Our good friends Ron and Natasha Wilson flew in from Cranbrook. For dinner, Jocelyn's former boss Mary Holmes came by to celebrate Jocelyn's graduation.

All of last year and for the first third of this year, Jocelyn had worked with Mary at Vancouver Native Health in their community project at the UBC Farm. David, Karalee, and Jocelyn headed out after lunch. Our first stop was the UBC Farm where Jocelyn could connect with all the people she had worked with.

Heading to UBC via the UBC Farm

Karalee, Jocelyn, and David On Our Front Step

Jocelyn With Her Friends at the UBC Farm

Jocelyn Dressed Up on the Fields of the UBC Farm

Land and Food Science Reception at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum

After visiting the UBC Farm, Karalee and David took Jocelyn to the Beaty Biodiversity Museum on campus. Jocelyn's Faculty of Land and Food Science hosted a reception in the museum. Awards were given out and afterwards there was a small one to one reception inside and out. We all got to visit with Dr. Brent Skura, Associate Dean, and other professors who had taught Jocelyn over the last four years.

Blue Whale Bones at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Jocelyn, Karalee, and Others Watching Land and Food Science Presentations

Jocelyn's Graduating Class Photos at the Beaty Biodiversity Museum

Jocelyn and Dr. Gwen Chapman at the Land and Food Reception

Karalee and Dr. David Fraser at the Land and Food Reception

UBC 2011 Congregation

The UBC graduation ceremony is called Congregation. As there are thousands of graduating students, there are multiple Congregations held at the Chan Centre on the UBC campus. The afternoon Congregation was reserved just for the students graduating (both undergraduate and graduate) from the Faculty of Land and Food Science.

David, Jocelyn, and Karalee Outside the Chan Centre

Kevin and Papa in the Entrance at the Chan Centre

Jocelyn Seated at the Chan Centre

Sarah Morgan-Silvester, Chancellor of UBC, Opening Remarks

Graduation Speech by Dr. Stephen Toope, UBC President

Jocelyn Enters the Stage and Receives Her Degree

Chancellor Morgan-Silveste Congratulates Jocelyn

Dr. Brent Skura, Associate Dean, Congratulates Jocelyn

Jocelyn Happy to Have Her UBC Degree

Natasha, Papa, and Ron

Natasha, Papa, Ron, Jocelyn, Karalee, Barb, Allen, Gran

Cyrus and Jocleyn

Grandma, Allen, and Gran

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