Greer Family News December 19, 2024: Christmas Newsletter

David, Karalee, Jocelyn, Alanna, Daniel, Diego, Keivn, and Carley

Allen and Benita at Lake Muskoka

Even by our standards, a lot happened this year. We did lots of travel, saw all of our extended families, and had new experiences in Canada and abroad. It was special for Alanna to turn one, Diego head off to school, and to have two new grand dogs added to our lives.

Karalee and David Had Many Roles in 2024

David and Karalee in the Old Town of Cartagena, Spain

Karalee and David were busy as business leaders, travelers, parents, and Grandparents. Two grand dogs were added to the family, Lucky and Roe. Our 42nd anniversary saw us in Campbell River.

A highlight was doing a family fishing trip to Quadra Island, including Karalee's brother Fred and his son Christopher. In October, we explored Milan and Genoa, long on David's bucket list. Then we boarded the Norwegian Epic, sailing from Rome, through the Mediterranean, and across the Atlantic to Florida. It included stops in Cannes, Ibiza, Carthagena, and the Azores.

We travelled to Alberta to see David's 96-year old Mom. We also visited maternal sisters and families in Alberta and Vancouver.

Jocelyn and Daniel

Daniel and Jocelyn

Big events in Jocelyn and Daniel's life included Alanna turning one, Diego starting Kindergarten in French Immersion, and selling their home. Jocelyn returned to work with Holland Landscaping, where she is thankful to be able to work from home.

They joined us for the Quadra Island fishing trip. The family travelled to Querétaro, Mexico to introduce Daniel's family to Alanna.

Daniel has been extremely busy with his plumbing business. Diego and Alanna have been entertained by many different activities. A highlight was Karalee and David going swimming with all of them on Family Day.

Allen and Benita

Allen, Benita, and Roe

Allen and Benita continue to establish their lives in Toronto. Allen is currently in a transitional period as he suffered from his previous employer downsizing and so he is taking the time to reflect on his next career steps. Benita now has a permanent role as a Social Worker at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) in the Division of Haematology/Oncology. She also started a new role as a therapist with a clinic in Downtown Toronto.

Allen and Benita planned for a quiet 2024, but it proved to be quite eventful. They had another travel-filled year visiting Vancouver, Pennsylvania, New York, South Korea, and Japan. Allen and Benita also welcomed their first puppy into their family, a Cavapoo named Roe! Lots of action as they prepare for their upcoming wedding in 2025.

Kevin and Carley

Kevin, Carley, and Lucky

Carley made the decision to become an ER nurse and took the accelerated training course (12 months compressed into 3). She has found the on-the-job learning curve challenging and rewarding as she works in the #1 trauma hospital in all of BC.

A year ago, they lost their beloved dog Zeus. As dog lovers, they decided to get Lucky, a Japanese Spitz, who just turned one.

For traveling, they enjoyed local camping and two trips to Mexico—one with Carley's family and one just the two of them.

David Shared His Experience, Strength, and Hope

David at Tugboat Island

David celebrated 15 years of sobriety. To share his experience, strength, and hope in business and recovery, he committed to doing one podcast interview a week and managed twenty-six.

Trips to Toronto for work let him visit Allen, Benita, and his birth paternal family. Having his sister Nancy visit us in Vancouver and being in Edmonton for his mom's 97th birthday was very special.

He enjoyed over six weeks away on Sea Bird.

Karalee Had a Lot on the Go

Christopher and Fred Peasley with Karalee and David

Karalee continues to build the World Referral Network. As part of the senior leadership team she helps host numerous in-person meetings. Gardening continues to be her passion as well as running with her mom's group (25+ years!) and playing with the grandchildren and grand dogs.

Karalee's mom, Barbara, has moved into a senior's home in November. It's been very challenging for Karalee and Fred. Barbara is slowly adjusting.

Wrapping Up 2024

David and Karalee Transiting the Gibraltar Straight on the Norwegian Epic

David, Karalee, Fred, and Christopher were travelling back from Silva Bay on Sea Bird when they hit a submerged log that bent the rudder shaft. Sea Bird is still waiting for the replacement. David has been sad to not have any time on Sea Bird this fall.

David and Karalee are both officially seniors! Wear and tear on David's back and knees has taken away some activities like skiing. Karalee is just getting used to senior's discounts.

We wish all the best for you and your families in 2025.

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