September 23-25, 2011: HP 3000 Reunion

For twenty years I was involved with Robelle Solutions Technology and the HP 3000 minicomputer sold by HP for 27 years. On Saturday, September 24, 2011 a reunion of HP 3000 users and technologists was held in Cupertino, California. There were several different events that took place over a three day period.

It was fabulous to connect with old friends, many who I have known for thirty years. We talked about old times and shared the new adventures, both life, business, and technology, that we are each involved in now.

Alan Yeo, the creator of ScreenJet was the driving force behind the reunion along with Michael Marxmeier founder of Marxmeier Software. It had been years since we got together as a group, after spending the 80's and 90's seeing each other one or more times every year. Alan arranged for the reunion to be held at the Computer History Museum. Stan Sieler, a long time HP 3000 programmer and supporter from Allegro Consultants, is a volunteer at the museum. He personally led a group of us through the fascinating exhibits in the museum.

The success of the event was evident as over 70 people showed up for dinner, connections, and tours. Many of us signed the "Dance with the HP 3000" poster, including the date that we first started working with the HP 3000. Ron Seybold, who writes the 3000 Newswire Blog and magazine, along with his wife Abby, were the other key organizers of the event. Ron and Abby looked after registering and logistics. For me, it was a special time to connect with brilliant people who have had enormous impact on my career and me as a person.

HP 3000 Banner Welcomes Us

Hills Visible When I Arrived at SFO Airport

Lunch on Saturday, September 25, 2011

A group of people got together for lunch on the day of the reunion. Most are still involved with technology, although not necessarily with the HP 3000.

Clockwise: Beth Karlin, Bob Karlin, Michael Marxmeier, Mark Klein

Clockwise: Alan Yeo, Jon Diercks, Duane Percox, Jeff Kell, Eric Sand

Clockwise: Glenn Cole, Ron Seybold, Steve Cooper, Birket Foster, Winston Kriger, Chuck Shimada

Reunion at the Computer History Museum

The reunion was held at the Computer History Museum. We gathered together at 5:30 pm in the late afternoon California light as we entered the museum underneath the HP 3000 reunion banner.

Clockwise: Jon Diercks, Stan Sieler, Bob Green, Mark Klein

L-R: Terry Floyd, Paul Taffel, Jeff Vance

Orly Larson

Vladimir Volokh, Joe Wiseman, WInston Kriger, Beth Karlin

Roger Sinasohn, Steve Cooper, Sue Cooper

Bob Karlin

Cray I Computer Exhibit

Clockwise: Craig Lalley, Duane Percox, Vladimir Volokh, and Others

Birket Foster and Dave Wilde

Organizer Abby Enjoying Dinner

Stan Sieler Leading a Tour of the Computer History Museum In Front of a SAGE Computer

Stan is a Magician Too

Second HP 3000 Reunion Banner

Alan Yeo Addresses the Crowd

Ron Seybold Looks On

Dance with the HP 3000 Poster With Our Names and the Date We First Used the HP 3000

Ron, Abby, and Alan the Morning After

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