David's Diary: Thursday, May 15, 2003

Meeting Nowornot in Levkas


We have been anchored in Omous Vlikho, Levkas awaiting the arrival of the sailboat Nowornot. The children are eager to see Nowornot arrive, as the American family onboard have three children. While we were in Monastir, Tunisia during the winter they were in Italy. The parents, Steve and Deb, have been emailing us all winter and we've now managed to be in the same bay on the same day. Steve and Deb have taken one year off to sail the Mediterranean with their three children.


Their oldest child is Danny who is the same age as Jocelyn, but quite a bit shorter. When Nowornot came into Omous Vlikho all three of our kids were on deck. The first thing Danny and his brother Adam said to Steve and Deb was "those kids sure look big".

Sally and Jocelyn
Sally and Jocelyn

Even though Sally is the youngest, she related well to Jocelyn. We go over and visit on Nowornot, a Supermaru sailboat built in France. We have seen a lot of Supermarus in our travels in the Mediterranean. They have a reputation for being a good offshore boat. Steve and Deb bought their boat used in the south of France at the start of their adventure, and plan to sell her after they go back to the US in August. For dinner, I make pasta for all of the kids, who eat on Dragonsinger before watching a movie. Karalee and I go onboard Nowornot and help out with dinner and visit and eat with Steve and Deb. It's nice to meet another cruising family to share our experiences and it's almost midnight before we chase the children back to their respective boats and head to bed.

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