Greer Family News
November 7, 2004
Allen Preparing for Halloween
Halloween is behind us, we have set our clocks back one hour as daylight saving time finished for 2004, and winter has set in. We are eagerly waiting for the ski season up at Whistler. In the meantime, our entire family remain busy and healthy.
Allen had fun going out in costume on Halloween night. It brought back memories of our two Halloweens in the Mediterranean, one in Marseille, France and one in Monastir, Tunisia. Allen is settled back into his school. He is also playing soccer with his friends in the local recreational league.
Kevin in his school uniform
Kevin started high school this fall. He applied for and was accepted in the Venture program at Britannia High School. This is the same program that Jocelyn entered last year. Venture is an academically challenging program that leads to the International Baccalaureate program. Kevin has settled in well at his new school, has made several new friends, and has been active in sports playing rugby and ultimate frisbee.
Jocelyn with Visiting Japanese Students
Jocelyn is active academically, athletically, and socially. We often cannot keep track of her schedule, but she is enjoying her active life. In October, we hosted three Japanese high school students for a week. They were part of a group of more than twenty Japanese basketball players that visited Britannia and played great basketball games against the best girls' teams in Vancouver and British Columbia. The Japanese students were excellent basketball players and they won all of the games they played during their visit. Jocelyn had enjoyed showing them around the city.
Karalee's Book
Karalee has been completing her first novel. She recently attended the Surrey Writer's Conference. Six agents she interviewed have asked for Karalee to apply to them with a synopsis of her book. Karalee is busy doing the final editing of her first book and hopes to have an agent selected before the end of the year. She has also started work on her second book.
David's Professional Plans
David has been actively engaged with the technology community in Vancouver. He is currently advising several young technology companies. Opportunities and optimism in the technology community has steadily been rising during 2004. David is confident that he will find the right leadership opportunity to take his career to new heights.
Sailing in Howe Sound
Dragonsinger safely arrived in Vancouver after being shipped from Palma de Mallorca. The family did get some time onboard during a check-out cruise. We have a few stories and lots of pictures of our cruise to share with you.