David's Diary: Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Pilos to Corinth, Greece
Our plan today is to travel through the Corinth Canal. While checking the Pilot Guide this morning, I discover that the Corinth Canal is closed on Tuesdays for maintenance. I spend some time in an Internet Cafe double-checking that this is the case. Fortunately, the Canal is only closed during the day. We leave late in the morning and by mid-afternoon we are nearing the Corinth Canal when we are hit by a front that soaks us with driving rain while providing white caps on the water. We stop at the entrance to the canal, pay our fees, and wait until 1800 when we get to travel through the canal.Bruce and Marian sit at the bow taking in the spectacular site of the towering walls of the Canal. I struggle to keep up with the freighters in front of us. As we near the end of the Canal, I mis-judge our speed and fall behind the freighters. Corinth Canal control hails us on our VHF radio and says "More speed Dragonsinger." We exit the canal and head for the town of Corinth. We tie up for the night and after dinner go into town to have a walk and explore. It was only ten months ago that we were last here and I have no touble showing Bruce and Marian through town. We stop at an Internet Cafe that I remember. We catch up on email and I check the weather for tomorrow.
Typical scooter riding by in Poros
Main quay in Poros
Fisherman passing by
Fast ferry passes us as we leave
Frontal system brings white caps...
And lots of rain
Marian ready for the bad weather
Bruce all dressed up too
Eastern entrance to the Corinth Canal
Ferry passes Dragonsinger in the "wrong" direction
First freighter heads by in the "right" direction
Dragonsinger waits on the quay for the signal to proceed
Tug and freighter pass by Dragonsinger
Freighter looks huge
Bruce and Marian look up at the bridges
Look how narrow the canal is
It's dark enough that lights are on in the canal
Cliffs rise up above Dragonsinger
Bruce and Marian watch as we approach the final bridge
Fishing boats in Corinth Harbour
Town of Corinth behind the quay
Shrine to Christ with a lit candle
Dragonsinger tied up after sunset