David's Diary: Tuesday, March 11, 2003

Dragonsinger On Land

Lifting Dragonsinger

We planned for this day months ago. The time has come to lift Dragonsinger out of the water to do the necessary yearly maintenance. We did school in the morning and then hung around waiting for our turn to be lifted out. Like a fish out of water, boats are not happy being on dry land. We watch carefully as the straps are laid under Dragonsinger's hull and the lift starts to bring the keel out of the water.

Pressure Wash
Pressure Wash

The last time Dragonsinger was on dry land was when we launched her in October, 2001. Since then a lot of growth has accumulated on the bottom. About once a year it is necessary to lift the boat, pressure wash and sand the bottom, before applying a fresh coat of anti-fouling paint. This special paint is designed to slow the growth of new organisms on the bottom.

Sunset in Marina Cap Monastir

It is awkward to live onboard for the two days that it takes to complete all of the work. For safety reasons, I stay onboard and have the boat to myself as Karalee and the children move into the apartment we have rented in the marina. It is surprising how moving just a short distance can change your perspective. Despite having lived in the marina for five months, I have never been on this side of it when the sun went down. As the last pink glow lights up the evening sky I take a picture on my way to meet the family for dinner.

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