David's Diary: Saturday, January 18, 2003



We have made many new friends among the cruisers here in Monastir, but Roland and Marit on Sylphe have had the biggest impact on our lives. They arrived in Monastir on Christmas Eve and we first met them on Christmas Day. Sylphe is a classic 1930's wooden boat that Roland and Marit had completely restored in Turkey. Its classic lines and beautiful finish make it stand out amid all the plastic and steel boats in the marina.

Allen and Roland
Allen and Roland

Roland and Marit are originally from the Netherlands, but neither of them has lived there for a long time. In addition to speaking Dutch, both are fluent in English, French, and German. They have spent the last three winters in Monastir and both spend time working for the UN in third-world countries. Their local knowledge and vast experience with other cultures, gives us a new perspective on Monastir and Tunisia. We are still trying to understand the large cultural differences between Canada and a developing Arabic and Islamic country like Tunisia. In long conversations with Roland and Marit, we start to appreciate different ways of thinking.

Allen Enjoying Sylphe

Marit and Roland have become good friends with Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen. One of the kids is often over there after school. They play cards, visit, or help Roland with one of the never ending chores onboard Sylphe. It is great that Roland and Marit like spending so much time with the children. Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen share what it's like to be children traveling on a sailboat and Roland and Marit share stories from their interesting experiences.

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