David's Diary: Monday, September 2, 2002

Split, Croatia Once Again

Riva Boulevard
Riva Boulevard

Once more we return to Split, a coastal city in Croatia. We've been here so often this summer it almost seems like our second home. Incredibly, I have broken a piece off another tooth. As the only dentist I know in the Adriatic is Dr. Perkovic in Split, I have made an appointment to come back and see him. The morning is spent getting to the dentist and having one more filling removed and replaced. According to Dr. Perkovic it is not uncommon for teeth to have their own biorhythm. After a long period with no trouble, such as I have had, you then have a series of dental problems. I hope that my dental biorhythm is back on track and this is the last dental problem that I'll have before we return to Canada next summer.

Split at Dusk
Split at Dusk

In the afternoon we do some more shopping and this time get Kevin a new pair of running shoes. Then we enjoy the sunset as we have one of our last dinners in Split.

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