David's Diary: Friday, May 10, 2002

Last Day In Palma, Spain

Palma Cathedral
Palma Cathedral

We have spent longer than we intended in Palma in the Balearic islands of Spain, but we have got to know the city and the harbour well. As April came into May, the flowers started appearing. The impressive park and walkway beside Palma Cathedral has been a regular stop on our daily walks and visits to the playground. We know where the grocery store is, where to get pictures developed, when the market is open, and all of this makes life easier on Dragonsinger. But new places, sights, and sounds all await us as we prepare to go explore more of the Mediterranean.

Last Dinghy Ride
Last Dinghy Ride

Before putting the dinghy away, Allen and I go for a final ride around the harbour. We have been watching the huge super yachts go into dry dock, but most of the slipways are hidden behind fences and buildings. For recess this morning, Allen and I take the dinghy to the dry docks and get a close up look at just how large the slipways are. It's only a short ride, but Allen enjoys it as much as me before we head back to Dragonsinger to pack up the boat and get ready to leave tomorrow.

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