David's Diary: Monday, March 11, 2002
School and Travel

Building A Shoreline
Today was the kind of day that we thought about when we first planned this trip. Regular life, shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry, and sometimes reluctant students on board Dragonsinger sometimes make it seem like we have never left home. But today we got to mix school, science, sun, and sand into a magical morning.
Jocelyn is working on a science project where she must build a model. She has chosen to build a dynamic model of a Tsunami. Her goal is to build a straight shoreline and a curved shoreline and then observe what happens when a tidal wave hits each. For recess we all rowed to shore. As Jocelyn started building her shorelines, I walked the beach with Allen and Kevin looking at shells and collecting sticks.
A Tidal Wave (photo by Jocelyn Greer)
The boys took the dinghy back to the boat while Jocelyn and I completed her model. We threw buckets of water at the shorelines to simulate a Tsunami. To start, Jocelyn did the throwing and I took pictures. Then we switched and Jocelyn got me to throw as hard as I could. On the last bucket, I threw it so hard that wet sand flew everywhere covering Jocelyn. After observing her shorelines, Jocelyn went for a swim to wash off the sand just as Kevin came back in the dinghy to take us back on board Dragonsinger.

Sailing Dragonsinger
After a quick lunch, we headed off for the island of Ibiza. We plan to travel to Mallorca tomorrow, and would like a starting point that is closer than Formentera. With school over for the day and lots of daylight left we got to enjoy a great sail up the East coast of Ibiza. After passing through the narrow passage between Formentera and Ibiza we considered anchoring in Cala Llonga as an anchorage for the night, but as it was open to the East and wind was from that direction we continued on to Porto de Santa Eulanlia. Once again we were tied to the dock, but our first night at anchor will be one that we remember.