David's Diary: Sunday, June 23, 2002

Marina di Campo, Elba

Jocelyn Goes Up the Mast

After almost a week in Porto Azzuro enjoying excellent weather, we decided to move around Elba and visit Marina di Campo, an anchorage and village on the south side of the island. It was a calm day so we motored most of the way. This was just the chance Jocelyn wanted to be able to go up the mast in the bosun's chair. Today, Jocelyn only wanted to be winched as high as the first spreader. From there she viewed our wake and got shaken around a little bit as we went over some boat wakes.

Evening in Marina di Campo

We anchored off the long beach at Marina di Campo, went for a swim, and had dinner. In the evening, Karalee, Jocelyn, and I left the boys onboard and went for a walk in the village as the light faded into twilight. We enjoyed the pedestrian streets, other visitors, and the numerous shops, all open late for our shopping enjoyment. We were back onboard before it was too late as we plan on having a big travel day tomorrow and expect to be up before the sun in order to travel back to the Italian mainland.

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