David's Diary: Wednesday, June 19, 2002

At Anchor in Porto Azzurro, Elba

Porto Azzurro
Porto Azzurro

Elba is an Italian island located between the French island of Corsica and the mainland Italian coast. Yesterday, we traveled ten or eleven hours to the west coast of Elba and anchored in Porto Azzuro. After our busy time touring Pisa and Florence, we are ready to just hang out at anchor and relax.

Dragonsinger At Anchor

The bay is filled with other boats, mostly Italian. Most arrive in the late afternoon and take off in the morning so we have a constant stream of new neighbours. Some evenings things get a little tight and we wonder just how everyone manages to fit in and not hit each other.

Narrow Streets

A short dinghy ride away is the town of Porto Azzuro. Whether it is shopping, laundry, or just getting an ice cream cone, our needs are satisfied as we stay on the hook in the bay.

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