David's Diary: Sunday, Sept. 16, 2001

Walk Along Leger River

Allen Enjoys A Rest
Allen Enjoys A Rest

After a busy week, the drive to Les Herbiers, and school, we spent Saturday around the house having some time off. But today we wanted to get out and go for a walk. Since we were all tired of driving, we decided to walk along the river Leger that runs through the town of Lannion. Lannion is the closest town to where we are living and the river shows the tidal effects of Brittany. At low tide the river appears as a small trickle and the mud banks are visible. At high tide, the water stretches from bank to bank and the incoming or outgoing tidal current is clearly visible.

Boats At Anchor
Boats At Anchor

We walked for five kilometers along a tree shaded pathway. As we neared the mouth of the river we saw many boats at anchor throughout the river. Many people were out for a Sunday walk, bike ride, or run. You can follow the Leger all the way to the ocean, but as we had to retrace our steps to return to Lannion we decided that a ten kilometer walk was enough for today. While we sometimes feel that we should rush off and see more of the sights in the guidebooks, it is times like these that I think we will remember most about our year away. A nice walk along a pretty stretch of river as the five of us group and regroup, visiting, playing with rocks, and collecting acorns on a relaxing Sunday afternoon is a fond memory to have indeed.

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