This is the entrance to
tunnel. The Islington tunnel is at least a half-mile long. You
might wonder how were barges moved through the tunnel?
It was common for barges to be moved through tunnels like this by "legging" -- that is, by crewman lying on their backs on the top of the barge and pushing with their feet along the tunnel roof. I certainly wouldn't have wanted to be one of the "leggers".
Have you ever got home from traveling, looked at your pictures, and wished "I really should have taken some extra pictures"? I've felt this way and wish that I had taken a picture of the Islington High Street. It is not that difficult to follow the route of the Islington Tunnel as you walk through the town (it gets more difficult the farther West you go). During my walk, I spent a pleasant hour reading the newspaper, having a pint of beer, and enjoying the late afternoon view of people on the high street. But I really wish that I had taken a photograph of Islington.