December 29, 2019: A Day Trip with Waterfalls
Jocelyn and Daniel arranged for our two families to take a day trip by van. We left first thing in the morning driving to the North of Huatulco. Our route started on paved roads, but soon we turned off onto gravel roads and headed up into the mountians.
We stopped for a break at a local gift shop. We had demonstrations and tastings of their products. After a half hour of shopping, we all returned to the van to head even further uphill. After a stop for lunch we were taken to the start of a path that followed a river to a waterfall. This was a popular spot for both tourists and locals. The younger people took turns jumping into the river, before we all took a swim by the waterfall. Baby Diego went along for the ride, sleeping when he needed to, whether that was in the van or in Jocelyn's arms.
At the waterfall, many of our group got traditional Mexican Facial Mud Masks. David uses his GoPro around the water, but forgot to clean the water off his lens. Sorry for the blurry parts of the photos below.
Jumping in the River and Visiting the Waterfall
Waiting for the Demonstrations to Start
Jocelyn, Diego, and Daniel
Local Items for Sale
Papa D and Diego Playing Around
Diego Naps in Jocelyn's Arms While We Head Off in the Van
At the Start of the Hike
Diego Happy on His Mama's Back
Montse, Ximena, Carlos, and Emila
Daniel and Jocelyn
Montse, Ximena, Carlos, Emila, and Maria
Getting A Traditional Facial Mud Mask
Carley and Kevin with their Mud Masks
Allen and Benita with their Mud Masks Too
Marina, Montse, Ximena, Jocelyn, Daniel, Allen, Benita, Carley, and Kevin
Pame and Rodrigo
Karalee Got in on the Facial Mud Mask
Our Tour Guide Describing the Coffee Roasting Process to Kevin and Allen
Two Families: Rodrigo, Pame, Ximena, Benita, Montse, Allen, Carlos, Daniel, Jocelyn, Diego,
Maria, Emila, David, Karalee, Gilberto, Kevin, and Carley
Looking Out Over the Mountains
Another Valley View
Rodrigo, Carlos, Pame, Montse, Ximena, Allen, Benita, Jocelyn, Diego, Emila,
Kevin, Carley, Maria, Karalee, David, and Daniel