Aug 9, 2010: Aix, the Mediterranean, and a Birthday

Rue d'Italie

Our first morning in France David got up and headed down the nearby Rue d'Italie to get fresh croissants and pain aux chocolate. This has become something of a tradition in the Greer family. It started when we crossed from Stintino, Italy to Bonifacio, France as part of our two-year Mediterranean cruising adventure. The morning after we arrived in Bonifacio, David found a busy bakery on the waterfront where he purchased freshly made croissants and pain aux chocolate. Every time we arrive in France we continue the tradition our first morning there.

After cereal, fruit, and our excellent French treats we walked into the center of Aix-en-Provence and found the Tourist Information office. We were hoping to do a guided walking tour of Aix in the morning. While the tourist office does offer such tours, they do not run on Mondays. We explore on our own for a while before heading back to our apartment after first shopping for groceries.

After lunch, we decided to head out in our van to spend the afternoon at a Mediterranean beach. We decided on Cap Couronne, both because it was recommended in one of our guides, but also because it was near Carry le-Rouet. When we commissioned Dragonsinger in November, 2001, in Port St-Louis du Rhone, our first trip ever on Dragonsinger was to Carry le-Rouet. We had to pass Cap Couronne and its highly visible lighthouse on our way to Carry le-Rouet. It was special to be back in the same area. We even got lost on the way there ending up driving through Marseille and then around the various ports between Marseille and Cap Couronne.

While the air was warm (near 30C) the water was only 20C. After swimming in the Mediterranean in Turkey, which was 26-27C, the water seemed cold. This didn't deter the younger people, who all went in the water. The beach was busy and was mostly filled with local French people. It seemed like we were one of the few groups of North American tourists. Many families were out on a Monday day in August taking in the sunshine and the simple pleasure of being at the beach.

Late in the afternoon, we packed up and drove back to Aix-en-Provence. It was David's birthday, so he walked the streets checking out all the nearby patisseries. He eventually found the perfect chocolate cake. We cooked dinner in our apartment and enjoyed dinner and the birthday cake at the dining room table as the sun set and the sky slowly turned darker shades of blue.

Tower of L'Eglise St-Jean de Malte

Back Side of L'Eglise St-Jean de Malte

Yard and Street from our Apartment in Aix-en-Provence

Beach at Cap Couronne

Fog in the Distance in August

Enjoying the Mediterranean Sunshine

Cap Couronne Lighthouse

David's Birthday

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