BC AA Senior Boys Basketball Championships 2009 - Part II
Post Game
In the final few minutes of the game, Okanagan was ahead of Britannia by a single point. Britannia called a time out, called their play, and passed the ball in bounds. Okanagan rose to the challenge smothering Britannia and causing a foul to be called against Brit. Okanagan scored one foul shot to finish as the game winners 91-89.
Britannia Gathers Together Immediately After the Last Buzzer
Bruins Walk Back to the Bench After Shaking Hands
The Final Score Sinks In
Coach Scooter Looks On
Coach Jessie Sends a Text Message
Britannia At the Awards Ceremony
Britannia Receiving the Runner Up Trophy and Medallions
Team Photo and Trophy
Britannia Bruins 2009 Team
Final Draw for the BC AA 2009 Basketball Tournament
Osato Obaseki Named Second Team All Star
Kevin Greer Named First Team All Star
First Team All Stars