News About The Greer Family

June 2, 2003: Athens, Greece

Delphi, Greece
Delphi, Greece, May, 2003

We have a lot to share with you in this Web update. After spending the winter in Monastir, Tunisia we are once again on the move. We spent a month in Malta getting a number of boat projects completed. The most serious was a leak from the anchor locker drains. The leak was letting in a lot of water and we had to insure that we got a permanent fix to the problem.

Athens, Greece
Lykavittos Hill, Athens, Greece

From Malta we traveled back to Siracusa, Sicily which we visited last October. We liked it as much the second time as the first and had our last fill of Italian seafood and ice cream. From there we traveled to the Greek Ionian Islands doing a non-stop two-day passage to Argostoli, Cephalonia. After more than two weeks exploring the Ionian Islands we traveled to Athens via the Corinth Canal. We have done a lot since our last Web update, so please read on to see and read about our adventures.

David's Diary

David ready to run

David's diary has been updated from September, 2002 through to the end of March, 2003. Some of the highlights in this update:

  • Brindisi Italy and a special night out with Italian friends.
  • Going around the boot of Italy and exploring some of the small towns along the way.
  • Siracusa, Sicily
  • Malta
  • Our five and a half months in Tunisia


Teachers and students onboard Dragonsinger worked hard at school this year. While the school system in Vancouver is not finished until the end of June, we wrapped up the school year in early May. We salute Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen for all of the hard work that they put in to complete their respective school years. We have tried to include a small representative sample of some of the school activities of each of them for you to look at.


Jocelyn in Monastir
Jocelyn in Monastir

In the Vancouver school system Grade 8 marks the transition from junior to senior school. While this distinction is not as obvious when doing school on the boat, we did find that the interaction, marking, and comments from Jocelyn's teacher in Vancouver were quite different from last year.

Jocelyn has had a great school year achieving first class marks. On our return to Vancouver, Jocelyn has decided to enter a special school program. A few months ago she applied for and was accepted into the Britannia Venture Program. This program is only available to a few selected students and Jocelyn is to be congratulated in making it into the Venture program.

At the end of Grade 8, Jocelyn had to complete Career and Personal Planning. We have included a couple of the special projects in Jocelyn's CAPP presentations on a separate Web page.


Kevin Helming
Kevin Helming

Kevin finished the school year with a special report on Tunisia. This was an extra project that he conceived and created on his own. Kevin has already sent the report to his teacher in Canada where it was posted on the school Web site. The report makes interesting reading and gives us an insight into Kevin's views of living in Tunisia and on a sailboat.


Allen Presenting Research

Allen finished Grade Two with a special report on snow. Allen worked hard all year and was able to complete all of the Grade Two material by the beginning of May. With Allen's final mail-in of the year we included a special report to his teacher Debbie Brown. See the report to get a feel for how Allen did this school year.

Travel Pictures

Marina Cap Monastir

We have published three new photographic galleries of David's pictures. All the galleries are from places in Tunisia. Each gallery has a short description of the location where the pictures were shot. The pictures of Monastir give a feeling for the place that we called home for five months.


Recent Passages
Recent Passage -- Tunisia, Malta, Siracusa, Cephalonia, Athens

We spent five and a half months in Monastir, Tunisia over the winter. On the first of April we left Monastir and sailed to Malta where we spent most of April. From there we travelled to Siracusa, Sicily, crossed the Ionian Sea to Cephalonia, Greece and then made our way to Athens. Our two-year adventure will end in August, but we still have a lot of places we expect to visit before we fly home to Vancouver.

June: Travel through Greece towards Istanbul, Turkey
July - August: Cruise Turkey
August Leave the boat in Bodrum, Turkey and return to Vancouver on August 13

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