David's Diary: Wednesday, May 28, 2003
Delphi, Greece

We didn't travel too far yesterday, so before leaving Trizonia we explored the small town. Behind the church is a graveyard with ornate tributes to the people laid to rest there. We left before lunch and arrive in Galaxidhi in the early afternoon. Galaxidhi is our base to explore Delphi. We explore the town and Karalee and I eat out in a tiny local restaurant where we are the only customers.
Bus to Delphi
We are up early this morning and walk uphill into the center of town. We find where the bus stops and buy return tickets to Delphi. We board a modern Mercedes bus, with the usual narrow seats, which takes us along the coast to the town of Itea. We stop there for coffee while waiting for the bus to Delphi to leave. We board our second bus and it winds its way inland and up into the mountains.
Temple to Apollo
We arrive in Delphi around 11:15. We walk through town and out the other side. We follow the road as it clings to the mountain side until we reach the entrance to the Temple to Apollo. We pay the entrance fee then start following the path that winds its way up the mountain. We stop and look down at the Temple and the mountains beyond. In ancient times, people made a pilgrimage to the Temple in order to consult the Delphic oracle. The priestess was the most powerful in Greece and her utterances were believed to be divine guidance.
Stadium Seating
At the top of the hill are the remains of a stadium, the best preserved in all of Greece. This stadium is believed to have hosted the original Olympic games many thousands of years ago. Next year, the Olympic games are returning to Greece when Athens hosts the Summer Games in August.
Jocelyn Having Coffee
After exploring Delphi we make our way from the ancient site to the village of the same name. We stop and do some shopping, before finding a place for lunch. We walk back to the bus stop and travel back to Galaxidhi via Itea. While Karalee, Kevin, and Allen head back to the boat, Jocelyn and I stop at a restaurant next to the quay to have a coffee. As we visit and enjoy our drinks, I think back more than two years ago to when I first thought about visiting Delphi with the children. Today has been just as I had imagined it would be.