David's Diary: Tuesday, May 20, 2003
Port Atheni, Meganisi to Omous Roumous, Levkas

Sailing past Meganisi
After a quiet night in Port Atheni we motored out of the bay after lunch. We planned to complete our circumnavigation of Meganisi and head back to Levkas. As we round the southern end of Meganisi the wind picks up and we have to reef the sails to keep Dragonsinger under control. We were hoping to stop at some of the large natural caves on Meganisi, but with the wind and waves blowing straight into the caves we continue to Omous Roumous.
Out for Dinner
It was only a short week ago that we were anchored by ourselves in this bay. We're back with Nowornot, who took seven tries to get their anchor set. We told Steve and Deb about the restaurant that we visited last week and we decide to take the two families out for dinner and go back to the same restaurant. We dinghy to shore around 8:00 and follow the shoreline to the restaurant. We are taken into the back of the restaurant and shown the fresh catch of the day. Most of the children have pork souvlaki, but the adults share freshly caught barracuda. The afternoon wind died down, so we dinghy back to our boats on a smooth sea.