David's Diary: Monday, July 28, 2003
The Leightons and Van Kedisi in Ova Buku

Marian and Dick Leighton
We are in Ova Buku to meet up with Marian and Dick Leighton and their children on their catamaran Van Kedisi. Dick and Marian are fellow members of our yacht club in Vancouver. For the last twelve years they have lived in Saudi Arabia where Dick is a project manager for Aramco. They keep Van Kedisi in charter in Bodrum. More than a year ago Marian read an article that I wrote in our yacht club newsletter. After reading the article Marian emailed me and we started to get to know one another. We have been exchanging email messages ever since. Last night we finally got to meet in person.
Van Kedisi
Van Kedisi (pronounced Van Ke-Disi) is a Prout 39 catamaran built in England. Dick and Marian purchased her seven years ago. Onboard Van Kedisi is Dick and Marian's three children Mary (18), Stephen (14), and Andy (9). Dick's niece Sarah is also visiting from London.
Fishing Boats in Ova Buku
Van Kedisi and Dragonsinger plan to travel together for the next week. Dick and Marian want to show us a great cruising area near Bodrum. After two long days of travel, we ask Dick and Marian to stay put in Ova Buku today. We take the time to explore the area and for dinner the two families go to O Gun's Place. We are taken for a tour of the kitchen where we each get to choose what we want for dinner. It's a different, but enjoyable, way to select dinner.