David's Diary: Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Late Passage to Boynuz Buku

Fun in the Dinghy
One of the reasons we came to Gocek was that we felt that the marina could repair our generator. The marina staff was professional, on time, and diagnosed and repaired not one, but two separate problems. The generator was fixed yesterday, but we decided to spend one more night in the marina, enjoying the location and the long cool showers in the evening before bed. We had a number of errands to do today, including more laundry, so we don't leave the marina until 5:00 PM -- probably our latest start ever.
Dragonsinger at Sunset
We don't have too far to go and the boys trail along behind in the dinghy. We have become really relaxed with our safety regulations and even allow them to be in the dinghy without their life jackets. We arrive in Boynuz Buku around 6:00 PM and anchor in the middle of the bay. The wind had died for the day and Dragonsinger sat peacefully at anchor as the setting sun made the hull glow.
Jocelyn Enjoying the Late Evening
The kids all went swimming as I made dinner. We ate outside in the still air and after dinner I stared up at the stars. You can see so many more stars when you are away from civilization and all of its lights. After the kids cleaned up from dinner I went below and joined Kevin and Allen as we watched a James Bond movie. Our Dell computer and its built-in DVD player, along with our high powered Harman Karden speakers, have given us many hours of enjoyment.