David's Diary: Wednesday, April 15, 2003

Surviving Storms in Malta

Sliema Waterfront

This is our second season in the Mediterranean and some of the worst storms that we have seen have arrived in late March or April. Last year, we suffered through a severe storm in Mallorca at the end of March and then again in April. The last few days have seen another storm arrive. Since Malta is an island more than 100 kilometres from the nearest land, there is little protection from the storm. Waves relentlessly pound the waterfront sending plumes of spray into the air.

Dragonsinger in the Storm

Boat work on Dragonsinger has stopped as workers do not want to be onboard while the boat is bouncing around. Even though we are in a protected marina swell does make its way inside. It only takes a small amount of swell to make life onboard a lot more difficult. School today was in a nearby hotel. It was too uncomfortable to cook, so we headed out to our favourite Internet Cafe and restaurant for dinner. It was nice to be on level ground, even if it was only for a few hours.

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