David's Diary: Saturday, September 7, 2002

Vis Town, Croatia With Ganymede

Vis Town
Vis Town, Vis, Croatia

Yesterday, for the third day in a row, we did school for most of the day then headed out in the late afternoon to make a short passage. We traveled to Vis Town on the island of Vis, Croatia. We were here last month and enjoyed our visit. This time we are visiting with our friends on Ganymede who we first met last April in Palma. Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen are friends with Charlie, the thirteen-year old who forms part of the crew on Ganymede. Charlie climbed the volcano on Stromboli for Jocelyn's 13th birthday in July.

Allen, Kevin, and Charlie Playing

Like us, Charlie has to do school afloat. Since it's the weekend everyone is taking a break. The boys haven't seen each other since July, but that doesn't matter as they quickly settle into playing on the computer.

It is strange the things that you didn't know you missed. This morning it is pouring with rain. We are tied to the quay which runs the length of the waterfront in Vis Town. As Karalee and I lay in bed this morning we could here cars going by with their tires squelching in the puddles on the quay. This is a sound we instantly associate with Vancouver and one that we haven't heard since we've been onboard Dragonsinger. It was soothing to lie there and here the familiar noises as the rain continued all morning.

Dinghy Racing

At lunch time we pull away from the dock and anchor out in the bay. As the weather clears, we chase everyone off the big boats and dinghy racing in the Vis Town bay keeps the kids entertained for a few hours. We end the day with dinner on Ganymede. While the children are entertained by a movie, we stay up having coffee and catching up on the news since we last saw each other in July.

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