David's Diary: Wednesday, May 15, 2002

The Passage Continues

Passage Sunrise

All through the night we motored across the sea trading watch after watch. Dinner was in the cockpit and as the sky faded from blue to black the stars started appearing. In the middle of the night we were further from land than we have ever been and the sky was lit with the expanse of the Milky Way. Stars were so bright that we sometimes mistook them for other ship's lights. There were few ships about so we all got to enjoy the display that the universe put on for us. Before we knew it the sky in the east was lightening as daybreak approached and it was with some sadness that we watched the last star fade away as the sun made an appearance to start a new day.

Searching for Dolphins

As the morning wore on we passed a pod of dolphins. The children rushed to the bow and peered into the water looking for these creatures of the sea.

Dolphins Arrive

When the dolphins spotted us they raced over and played in our bow wave. The children stared transfixed as the dolphins weaved and ducked and swam so close to our bow that we were certain that their tail would touch Dragonsinger. As quickly as they had arrived they disappeared, but the few minutes they swam with us would be a highlight of our passage.

Reading Harry Potter

As the day wore on the miles disappeared under the keel. We stopped for to look at a turtle and a second pod of dolphins paid us a visit. As the afternoon continued, Jocelyn brought out Harry Potter's Chamber of Secrets and read out loud to Kevin and Allen. Sardinia and Corsica get closer and closer, but there still was some distance to go. We made a surprise decision, but you'll have to read tomorrow's diary to see where we ended up.

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