David's Diary: Monday, August 26, 2002

Venice: Laundry and Shopping

Laundry at a rare self-service Laundromat

When you are living on a boat the chores don't stop just because you happen to be visiting one of the most beautiful cities in the world. We have laundry to catch up on and during one of our walks through the center of Venice we had stumbled upon a Laundromat. Laundry has been a major challenge this summer. There are almost no public laundry facilities in either Italy or Croatia, so it is amazing to have found a large and clean Laundromat in Venice. All five of us haul bags of laundry on to the Vaporetti and then through the narrow streets that lead to the Laundromat. We only get lost once and soon make our way into the brightly lit interior where Karalee gets down to the business of figuring out how to use the machines. Leaving Karalee with the laundry and a good book, I take Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen off to do grocery shopping.

Bus Stop
Waiting to go shopping

For us, it is back on the Vaporetti where we return to Lido, where we visited the beach yesterday and back on the bus. We stop halfway along the island and enter a supermarket. We load up with all the supplies that the four of us can physically carry before finding the bus stop and waiting for our ride home. Then it was back on the Vaporetti with our groceries and a long walk to the boat. Keeping food onboard Dragonsinger for five people is a constant challenge and a lot of work, but it lets us explore the local neighbourhoods.

Venice Streets
Venice streets

After putting the groceries away, Jocelyn and I left the boys on the boat and once again take the Vaporetti into the center of Venice. We walk to the Laundromat where Karalee is just finishing the last load. We assumed that she had a relaxing day with her book, but in reality she ended up helping numerous other patrons figure out how to run the washers and dryers. When you are full-time travelers like us, it is amazing what you become an expert at.

For more pictures of this day in Venice, visit our Venice pictures Web page. After looking at the pictures use your back button to return here.

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