David's Diary: Wednesday, April 10, 2002
After School In Palma, Spain

Playground Fun
School is back in, Bobbie has left, and a friend Allen and Kevin met in Palma, Spain had to leave on his boat. When cruising, people come and go, but we always have each other. After school today I headed to the local playground with Kevin and Allen. We had a blast watching Allen scamper up and ride down the slides.
Best Buddies
Life aboard Dragonsinger isn't perfect. We have our disagreements, our shouting and yelling, just like all families do. But this special time together is something that few of us get the opportunity to do, let alone to seize the opportunity and act on it. We have had many challenges this trip, but the close bond that Kevin and Allen have formed as brothers is something we hope they will have together for the rest of their lives.