David's Diary: Thursday, November 29, 2001

After School

Jocelyn Tries The Bosun's Chair
Jocelyn Tries The Bosun's Chair

The weather is nice and the Mistral has calmed down, but school is still in. We worked all day, but before the sun set it was time for a break. We got out the bosun's chair to give it a test drive. We have a special extra halyard that can be used in an emergency to send someone up the mast. But in order for it to work, you must have a way of attaching yourself to the halyard.

The bosun's chair provides you with a seat that where you can attach a halyard. Jocelyn wanted to be the first to take it for a test drive, so before she knew what was happening she was heading up the mast. Calm as a cucumber, helped by the fact there was no wind, Jocelyn was up the mast. At least, as far as the first spreader. It's comforting to know that should we need it, we can head aloft to make repairs.

The Boy's Ride Home
The Boy's Ride Home

The boys didn't want to ride up the mast, but a ride in the dinghy they were keen on. So off they went, as the sun set in the distance, to explore Port Napoleon once more. As it was almost too dark to see as they returned to the boat to end another day away on Dragonsinger.

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