A Two Year Mediterranean Family Sailing Adventure

Allen, Karalee, Kevin, Jocelyn, and David onboard Dragonsinger
As a family, we had an incredible opportunity open up for us in early 2001. After David and Karalee Greer had both sold their businesses, they decided to do something completely different. They commissioned a sailboat in the South of France and sailed 5,000 NM in the Mediterranean until 2003, while home schooling their three children Jocelyn, Kevin, and Allen.
Please enjoy our exciting adventure by exploring this Web site. If you have questions about the cruising lifestyle, the Mediterranean Sea, or our experiences, please send us a note. We are always happy to share what we learned.
There is a lot of information here. If you want to dive right into the adventure, start with David's diary entry for our first overnight passage from Port St. Louis du Rhone to Port Vendres, France.
Search The form below allows you to search this Web site for more informtion:
Contacting Us Staying in contact while we cruised the Mediterranean was a challenge, but we managed to stay in contact the whole time we were away.
Diary Everyone kept a diary during our trip, but David was the only one to publish his on a regular basis.
Dragonsinger In order to go cruising we needed to have a sailboat. We purchased a new Jeanneau 43 DS in France and commissioned it in Port St. Louis du Rhone.
Frequently Asked Questions We are asked lots of questions, but a few are asked the most often. We try and answer the most common ones.
News We posted regular updates on the Web site describing what we were up to.
Pictures See pictures of the entire family during our time away on the Mediterranean Sea.
Home Schooling While we traveled we had to fit in schooling for three children in different grades. It was a challenge, but teaching while traveling has its own rewards.
Sailing Search We have created a Google custom search engine for cruising sailors. Use the search box below to search for cruising resources.
Technical Information Modern sailboats use technology to make sailing safer and smarter. We attempt to strike a balance between all of the latest gizmos and the desire to get away from it all.
Video This short video captures the highlights of the experience of living on board Dragonsinger and sailing in the Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Aegean Seas.