Big Bang Theory
Big Bang Theory
Recent discoveries
The theory is based on the mathematical equations, known as the field equations, of the general theory of relativity which was created in 1915 by Albert Einstein.
Then in 1922 a Russian physicist, Alexander Friedmann offered a set of answers to the field equations. These answers have been the framework for a lot of the current theoretical work that's done on the big bang theory.
Next American astronomer Edwin Hubble provided a lot of the best sustaining evidence in the theory.
he discovered, in 1929, that the light of distant galaxies was actually farther away because if an object is moving he proved that it seems farther away than it really is.
This proved that all the galaxies were moving apart from each other. He realized that galaxies that were farther away were moving away faster than ones closer to us, showing that the universe is expanding consistently.
However, the universe's previous state was still unknown at that time.
Then in the 1940s a Russian American physicist George Gamow created a theory that fit in with Friedmann's solutions. It said that the universe first expanded from a hot, very dense state.
The name originated in 1950 when a British astronomer, Fred Hoyle, and his support of his own contrasting theory, referred to Gamow's theory as a small "big bang," but miraculously the name stuck.
What is the Big bang theory?
The Big Bang Theory is the most current explanation for the beginning of the universe.
It says that the universe was once an extremely compact, dense, and hot place.
The theory states that a cosmic explosion, which is now called the big bang, occurred approximately 10 to 20 billion years ago.
Since then the universe has been expanding and cooling.
The big bang theory tries to explain what happened at or very soon after the beginning of the universe.
Now scientists can model the universe all the way back to right after the big bang.
Before that time, the theory of gravity is not accurate.
Scientists are now trying to find a theory of the gravity before the big bang but they have not yet been successful.
Many scientists hope that the string theory will tie together gravity and quantum mechanics and that will help scientists be able to explore before the big bang.
According to the big bang theory, the universe expanded rapidly in the very first microseconds.
But only a single force existed.
As the universe was expanding and cooling, the forces split.
They became gravity, electromagnetism, the strong nuclear force, and the weak nuclear force.
A theory that's called the electroweak theory offers a combined explanation of electromagnetism and the weak nuclear force theory.
Physicists are now trying to figure out a theory that also includes the strong nuclear force.
Then string theory try's to integrate the force of gravity and the other three forces together.
Since scientists aren't able to look back in time or at least beyond the early approach, so the actual big bang is hidden from them.
Also, there is no way, right now, to detect the actual origins of the universe.
The big bang theory does not give an explanation to what existed before the big bang.
Maybe time itself begun at the big bang, so why should we talk about what happened before the big bang.
From about 300,000 to approximately 1 million years after the big bang, the universe cooled to around 3000° C.
Also the protons and electrons mixed and made hydrogen atoms. Hydrogen atoms are only able to absorb and let out specific wavelengths of light.
The formation of atoms allowed many other wavelengths of light, to travel much farther than before. This change set out the radiation that we can still notice today.
The cosmic background radiation was first found and recognized in 1965 by American astrophysicists Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson.
Even after many billions of years of cooling, this radiation is at about -270° C.
Astronomers are still making new observations that are constantly being put into the big
bang theory.
Scientists have not found any major problems with the big bang theory, but it is
constantly being changed to become more accurate and correct.
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